Women Helping Women

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Did you know…

Did you know feminine hygiene products are one of the most requested items in shelters across Collin County? Did you know most schools do not keep a supply of products on hand for students in need? If a school has a dispenser for products in the ladies room, the odds are it will be empty or non-functional. And, did you know in Texas, feminine hygiene products are classified as a luxury item; therefore, taxed as luxury goods and cannot be purchased with food stamps or any other form of federal or state assistance?

Think about that for a moment.

Can you imagine not being able to afford something most of us consider vital to our personal well-being? I can’t, and no one should have to. No one should have to decide whether to buy crackers for their child’s lunch or a box of tampons. And consider the young girls. Can you imagine being a 13-year-old at school without the supplies you need? What do you think may happen? Research shows she stays home from school. That is just not acceptable.

We have collected over 30,000 tampons and pads so far, and our goal is 50,000 by the end of the year. We are currently distributing these products to partner agencies throughout Collin County.

How can you help?

  1. Learn more about the issue of period poverty. You can start with the helpful links below:
  1. Consider purchasing feminine hygiene products to donate to your local food pantries, places of worship, schools or social service agencies. It’s easy to pick up a package each time you’re at the store.
  2. Ask your school, place of worship and local establishments to consider keeping free products available in women’s restrooms.
  3. Contact your State Senators and Representatives to let them know your concerns, and show support for removing the luxury tax on these vital necessities. You can find the contact information for your State Senators and Representatives here.

Help us by taking a stand in support of women and girls in our community.

If you are interested in helping with the distribution of these products, please email civp@jlcollincounty.org for more details.

-Written by Donna Ivy, Active Member, 2018-19 Community Impact VP